07894 504683
About Andover Pest Prevention

You may be tempted to carry out pest control yourself but it is safer and more humane to allow the professionals to do it for you. We are qualified pest control specialists who will correctly identify and remove the pests from your property. All our pest prevention specialists are qualified to the British Pest Control Association standard and are fully insured.
Pests can invade your home and business and cause considerable damage to your property as well as adding stress to your life that you don’t need. It can also damage your business reputation.
So if you do have a pest problem, call in the professionals to deal with it straight away.
Take control of your pest problems with Andover Pest Prevention.
Pest prevention has always been proven to be far more economical than pest control!
Whether you already have a pest control contract and are not sure or convinced of its effectiveness, or presume that your environment might be prone to pest infestation, Andover Pest Prevention will highlight all the areas of potential risk from various types of pests.